Evolution is Almost Imperceptible
Just had a great forward planning meeting with Joan and feel so full of optimism for the year ahead. This is the start of the 12 month countdown to my degree show next May. We have agreed that I shall do two Studio Practice modules and an Advanced Drawing module, along with Reflective Practice. My intention for this blog is to write notes about my work, record ideas I have, sources of inspiration or guidance, and threads of thoughts which might be insightful to look back on when the body of work is complete. I will also keep a digital record of my work in progress. The focus of my research at this stage is be based around Caldero Colorado in Lanzarote, the site of our theft incident in May, when John and I had our bags and passports stolen from the locked boot of our car, whilst walking around photographing this very remote location. Evolution is Almost Imperceptible I have ideas for a site specific non invasive intervention in the landscape, which I will recor...